00Dad, Try it again, please...
well, things have moved very quickly with the survey, and it now has it's very own website at www.jwsurvey.org!!.
if you are new to this forum and would like to have your say on what the governing body is teaching and practicing, then please visit this new site and register your views.. for those of you that have followed the development of the survey over the past month or so, feel free to visit and take a look around.. the website gives those who participate in the annual survey the opportunity to review the results of the survey at the same time as they register their responses.
that way they can get a feel for how the rest of the world is voting once they have submitted their own answers.. you can also check out the progress of the survey by logging on from time to time (anonymously, of course) and checking out the latest results.. there will also be a number of "mini surveys" run regularly, which i feel represent a completely unique experience for those who enjoy visiting jw-related forums.
00Dad, Try it again, please...
that's right.
barbara anderson will be on cult free radio this saturday evening at 10pm eastern time.. show up to listen and post your questions on the social stream for me to ask her.. https://www.facebook.com/cultfreeradio.
If you go to Ex-JW.com and locate the archive pages with Sweeney's broadcasts, you will see that each program has a download link. All access on Ex-JW.com is free, so download away. MP3 downloads are same or better than broadcast quality.
I had to bail out before Barbara was done, but will pick up the rest of the program when Sweeney sends me the links. She is so natural and sounds like she's about 18 when she's talking on the phone or over the internet machine. But I've see her and I'd guess she's at least 30. But still a cute voice with so much to share.
that's right.
barbara anderson will be on cult free radio this saturday evening at 10pm eastern time.. show up to listen and post your questions on the social stream for me to ask her.. https://www.facebook.com/cultfreeradio.
I'll be listening in. Love me some Barbara Anderson!
Will get the program up on Ex-JW.com as soon as you can ship it to me, Sweeney!
i watched a cult documentary called "join us" on sundance today.. it is showing a few more times, if you have that channel.
it was very interesting.
the cult that it follows uses a lot of the same lingo and focuses on a lot of the same scriptures as jehovah's witnesses.
Watched "Worlds Apart" last night on Sundance. My wife (never a JW) watched it with me and was quite impressed. She realized that all the horror stories I told her were actually true. And it's just as true in Denmark as it is in the USA and UK.
The actors were all excellent, the story was even handed and quite accurate. There were a few differences (possibly due to translation or regional differences) like "rally" rather than "assembly" and some other minor problems. It should be noted that the PO / CBE wears a beard, but that seems to be common in some European countries.
I thought it was interesting when they had the elders meeting how cold and unloving they all were toward the poor girl. It made me wince to watch it, but they ultimately relent and give her another chance.
The real girl who the story is based on actually makes a cameo appearance at the end of the movie during a train ride.
I'd urge everyone to take a couple of hours to watch this movie. It's far better than I would have ever imagined even having to read the subtitles. Someone needs to remake the movie with a US or Canadian background in order to reach a larger audience. After all, they are remaking all of the "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" movies and expect to make gazillions off of them. The Swedish versions were excellent, but fighting the subtitles can be tough, unless you have a 55+ wide screen in your living room.
Be sure to watch for it on Sundance over the next few weeks...
okay, in order it goes like this for me............brother peace 1980-83, brother rose 1984-86, brother yasko 1986-88, brother sekella 1988-91, brother billy ford 1992-95, brother davis 1996-99, brother irskin 2000-03 and then it gets kinda blurry....brother burge and another, brother hairston.
okay, that just about does it.
i have this topic becauce i tried reading the favorite co and do thread, but did not recognize any names......
Can anyone share stories about DO Steve Misterfield and CO Paul Koehler, recently of the San Mateo, California area? They are two of the defendants in the Menlo Park Kingdom Hall federal court lawsuit.
Koehler was recently reassigned to the Napa Circuit. In the past couple of days I posted an article about this case on Ex-JW.com. In the article, I share information relayed to me about Koehler's claims to have been a "Navy SEAL."
I've heard from several JWs and former JWs in the northern Cal area that Koehler consistently tries to intimidate and bully anyone he takes a dislike to. He definitely plays favorites, having little time to mingle with regular publishers. One of my contacts told me that whenever Koehler was due to visit a congregation the elders would quickly spruce up the Hall, hide anything that might seem out of place, and let all the members know that they were to dress in their best duds. Here is what he shared with me:
"You could see the fear among all of the brothers and sisters - but especially the elders when Koehler showed up. I know that the other halls experienced the same thing. Many knew about the Menlo Park takeover and were scared to death that he would come into their hall and toss every elder out on their ears. So we had to make extra nice and try to avoid any confrontation with him at all.
"What you hear when Koehler is in the hall is: Yes, Brother Koehler! Right away, Brother Koehler. We'll take care of that tonight, Brother Koehler."
That's where the elders in the Menlo Park Kingdom Hall differed. They said, "Wait a minute! Let's think about this? Is that really fair to our sister? Should we really spend money on refurbishing this Kingdom Hall? The RBC report shows that we are in excellent shape." Next thing you know, they're all out as elders - replaced by Koehler's cousin and a group of "we'll do whatever you say, sir!" types.
Anyway read the article and the PDF of the Veterans' Records report (bottom of article) on Mr. Koehler at:
In the meantime, I'd love to hear from anyone who knows Mr. Koehler and Mr. Misterfield that does not attend the Menlo Park KH. It's OK if you have some nice things to say about either one or both - it would be nice to hear something positive about these guys. You can PM me here or comment at the end of the article at Ex-JW.com
dear friends:.
for years now after my exit from the wtbts i have searched for god.
as i have previously mentioned in other threads i looked into many other religions, including druidry, zen and tibetan buddhism (not really a religion), asatru, native american shamanism, kemetic orthodoxy, gnosticism and pandeism.
I just reread "Misquoting Jesus" by Bart Ehrman. Then I listened to it on CD while driving back and forth on a recent trip. I strongly recommend that everyone searching for the TRUTH of the Bible take time to read it for themselves. It's very enlightening.
While some of it is a little technical and can seem to be redundant at times, when you finish you fully understand why the Bible, as we know it today, can not be the "word of God," nor is it even an accurate account of the life of Christ. Ehrman never comes right out and blurts out those facts, but let's you come to that understanding on your own.
So why would any of us base our lives, our hopes, and decisions on a book that has no authority, no real basis on any facts, and has been changed thousands of times since the earliest manuscripts were copied nearly one hundred years AFTER Jesus lived?
Bible thumping religions like the JWs claim to base everything they do on the "inerrant words of the Bible." There are no such things as "inerrant words of the Bible" - PERIOD!!!
Some time ago I also read the "Greatest Show on Earth" by Richard Dawkins. He very clearly explains how we know for sure that the earth is not 10K years old. Anyone ever heard of the Petrified Forest? I've been there a couple of times. There are petrified forests all over the world, some buried hundreds of feet below the surface. Those old rock-hard trees still show their rings and those rings are like a magnificent history book. They make it very clear that the earth is millions of years old, not 42,000 or so as the JWs teach.
AWEN, you've made some good points. Mankind tends to believe only what they are taught based on the limited understanding of their parents, their geography, and their time in history. "Truth" has nothing to do with what we believe. Environment and social pressures demand that we believe a certain way.
We live in a wonderful time. We have a massive library at our fingertips here on the Internet. We can read, watch, and almost feel the facts of life, science and history that appear on our screens. To discover the paths to real truth, all we need to do is open Google, Wikipedia, and other resources and then ask the questions we want answered. Then we can toss out all those answers and search again for new ways to come up with our own understanding of what is "truth" based on hard evidence.
Good on you all!
since leaving the organization 8 years ago, there have been more significant changes in the actual, physical activities of the organization than occurred in all the 40 plus years i was 'in'.
bethel closings.
bethel layoffs.
Excellent post, Randy. You have clearly pointed out a point that I've tried to make to some of my former JW friends. Besides the Christian Scientists, you could add the Seventh Day Adventists, more closely related to the JWs. There are also some Swedenborgians. Don't forget the remaining Bible Students and Russellites - that hang on but have no descernible growth or influence. And yet they survive. The Watchtower cult will probably slowly die back until it has just a few million worldwide members and then the growth will cease. My guess is they'll last another one hundred years or so, but will be of no consequence within the next 25 years.
i have been inspired recently by some of the comments on this forum regarding the society having reached a "tipping point".
it's been observed that, despite the overwhelming weight of evidence that the society is nothing more than a damaging cult, the number of witnesses continues to increase, albeit gradually.
the latest figures i have available are those in the 2011 yearbook, showing a global 2.5% increase between 2009 and 2010.. as we all know, the internet is steadily rising in accessibility (or "penetration") around the world, and it provides a wonderful resource for those who are curious about joining the faith, helping such ones to quickly identify precisely how warped the teachings of the watch tower society really are.
cedars - you have a PM
last week i attended my father's funeral in hobart.
i was the first time i have been in a kingdom hall in several years, and many years since i had attended the hall of my childhood, but felt like it was just yesterday.
the funeral talk was quite a departure from normal, so worth writing about.
Paul, check your PMs
i've been fighting computer problems for over a week, but i finally got a new article up at ex-jw.com about the status of the court case in san francisco.. the plaintiffs will be going to court this week and possibly again in ten days.
the big issue is the bank account statements and signature files.
plaintiffs claim that defendants opened up unauthorized bank accounts and allegedly forged the then current coboe / ceo's signature.
traveb, you have a PM.